You’re so smart!

Try your best!

These activities will be focusing on the specific formation of each letter. Practicing each letter will help to promote appropriate and efficient motor patterns as they progress. Working through these worksheets or in creating worksheets of your own (with the same guidelines of steps to produce each letter) should be a fun and familiar activity for your child.

Activity packet:

If your child is struggling with this activity, try helping them by encouraging them to trace on top of each letter a few times and guide their hands as needed.

Please be sure to make a note that each letter starts at the top. This “rule” helps students to write legibly and also efficiently so by the time they finish that letter, their pencil is closer to where they would start the next. A fun way to remember this rule is through this song:

Screen Shot 2020-04-09 at 2.54.29 PM.png

For extra fun:

Create letters with play-dough or slime! Roll out the dough and shape each letter! For an added bonus, add a different colored dot at the starting point of each letter! Have fun!

Don’t have playdoh? Here is a recipe